Some have said that the series goes too far in places, but I didn’t notice anything that wouldn’t have been shown in any other true crime documentary. The constant use of actual crime scene photos, brutal descriptions, and interviews from survivors, victims’ family members, reporters and police officers makes Night Stalker a disturbing watch. Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer has remarkably little to do with the titular serial killer aside from his actions, covering them in often gruesome detail with crime scene photos.

Instead, the series chooses to glorify the police and place them up on a pedestal a questionable decision given the current social climate. On the other, it places little to no emphasis on Richard Ramirez’s motivations or extremely harsh upbringing. On one hand, it’s an easily binge-able and engaging series about the detectives investigating and hunting for one of the most notorious American serial killers. I find myself conflicted after watching this latest foray into the true crime genre from Netflix.